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Ansys 2020 R2: Ansys HFSS Latest Advances

  • Using direct matrix solving in 3D component domain decomposition method (DDM) for designing complex 5G mmWave antenna arrays.
  • Leveraging Ansys 5G Wizard for simulating bio-compatibility of 5G user equipment to ensure products achieve design specs and meet regulatory standards.
  • Employing Ansys ECAD Xplorer to enable electromagnetic (EM) simulation for ICs with dense functionality and tight design margins at scale and speed.
  • Applying multipaction analysis for electromagnetic breakdown in vacuum environments to support design for tighter margins in space-borne devices, saving on weight and power requirements.
  • Utilizing Ansys EMA3D Cable for providing platform-level electromagnetic interference (EMI)/electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) analysis of cable harnesses.
  • Teaming Ansys RaptorH, a dedicated workflow for IC simulation, with HFSS to provide a gold standard verification for sensitive IC designs.

Speaker: Matthew Commens, PhD, principal product manager, HF/Ansys


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