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Active Sound Design for Electric Vehicles

This webinar will introduce you to Active Sound Design for Electric Vehicles (ASDforEV), a tool within Ansys Sound that enables you to test and finely tune active sound design candidates for electric or quiet ICE vehicles, in real driving conditions. This tool covers a wide range of sound functions, organized into five axes: SAF – Speed Acceleration Feedback; AVAS – Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System; Ambiance; ADAS – Advanced Driver Assistance System; and HMI – Human Machine Interaction.

With ASDforEV you can:

  • Assess active sounds triggered from a real vehicle’s CAN bus, a driving simulator or manually
  • Modify their gains, pitches, repetition rates and spatial positioning relative to various driving parameters, such as speed or RPM
  • Adjust and evaluate their harmony and the overall atmosphere they create
  • Easily switch between complete sound sets to efficiently compare different driving modes, atmospheres, moods, etc., at the click of button
  • Set up a multichannel audio configuration (up to 12 speakers) to enable 3D sound playback for high-end sound rendering

Milan Redon
, Product Specialist II, Ansys
Antoine Minard, Sr. Product Specialist, Ansys


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