Case Study
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Ansys stellt Studierenden auf dem Weg zum Erfolg die Simulationssoftware kostenlos zur Verfügung.
Ansys stellt Studierenden auf dem Weg zum Erfolg die Simulationssoftware kostenlos zur Verfügung.
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Case Study
"Ansys Granta Selector™ has given us more knowledge about the environmental impact of our products and where we should focus our attention in the development of new ones. Ansys Granta Selector also helped us to verify whether it is sustainable for us to gather used filters from customers to optimize the recycling process."
— Alexander Hjertström, CEO & Founder / Airinum
In identifying suitable textiles for masks, Airinum ensured designs that made sure everyone could breathe comfortably. They depend on partners to suggest textiles that are suitable for mask production. While these partners are experts in different fields like filtering technology, fashioning materials and providing great advice, they are also very focused on their own their fields. Airinum needed to find an additional, more scientific source of data about relevant materials and their properties to optimize their masks’ performance and minimize their impact on the environment.
Airinum needed to identify textile materials that are suitable for masks while also minimizing their environmental impact. Masks place a lot of demands on the materials from which they are made because they are worn in such a sensitive place — the face. The material needs to look good, be comfortable to wear, have a low resistance to air flow and be stain-resistant. The filter material needs to provide proper filtering efficiency and Airinum required that the product development process be sustainable.
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