Ansys is committed to setting today's students up for success, by providing free simulation engineering software to students.
Ansys is committed to setting today's students up for success, by providing free simulation engineering software to students.
Ansys is committed to setting today's students up for success, by providing free simulation engineering software to students.
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+1 844.462.6797
Noesis Solutions is a simulation innovation partner to manufacturers in automotive, aerospace, and other engineering-intense industries. Specialized in simulation process integration and numerical design optimization, its flagship software Optimus helps customers adopt an ‘Engineer by Objective’ development strategy to resolve their toughest multi-disciplinary engineering challenges.
Optimus identifies the best design candidates by managing a parametric simulation campaign that orchestrates customers’ software tools. Customers using this approach report design time savings averaging over 30%, while achieving 10% or more product performance improvements.
The direct interface between Optimus and Ansys Workbench automates the creation of any simulation workflow that contains Workbench model entries. A powerful embedded search engine offers dedicated filters, to simplify the selection of design parameters and result components from the fully parameterized Workbench model. No further parameterization is required in Optimus.
Recently Noesis Solutions has released the new id8 web based platform. With id8, it is possible to go one step further in integrating engineering processes, exploring the feasible design space and decide for the best design compromise.
Noesis Solutions operates through a network of subsidiaries and representatives in key locations around the world.
For more information, please visit
Learn more about how our technology works with Ansys in real world solutions: see the 2 links below...
Asahi Group Holdings, LTD. uses Optimus to develop the most suitable food supplement tablet shape
Optimus-driven CFD optimization makes a case for patient-specific coronary stents
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