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Ansys Medical Device Engineering Simulation 

In Silico Medical Device Development

In silico approaches, powered by physics-based simulation, enable the medical device industry to accelerate innovation, dramatically reduce cost, shorten the regulatory approval process and maximize patient safety.

Accelerating Medical Device Innovation with Engineering Simulation

When it comes to wellbeing and life-saving operations, device failure is not an option. The medical device industry leverages simulation to develop disruptive innovation and deliver increasingly advanced treatments. Applying engineering simulation throughout the device development cycle and the regulatory approval process is the only cost-effective way to bring new treatments to patients faster, while meeting safety standards and satisfying time-to-market deadlines.

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    Wearables and Implantables
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    Medical & Hospital Supplies
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    Hospital Equipment
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    Physiological Modeling

Medical Simulation Provides More Insights for Better Patient Results.

Patient Results

Bring New Generations of Wearables and Implantables to Market Faster

Accurately modeling the body interacting with Class II & III devices accelerates design and amplifies testing to satisfy the regulatory process with digital evidence.

Maximize the Performance and Management of Medical and Hospital Supplies

Simulation enables engineers to predict and understand the behavior of medical and hospital supplies across diverse scenarios to ensure reliable performance at an affordable cost.

Maximize Reliability of Hospital Equipment Without Compromising Patient Safety

Engineering simulation reduces the risk of incurring functional problems among critical hospital equipment with large capital expenditure before it occurs.

Develop Accurate Physiological Models to Better Validate Medical Solutions

Only accurate modeling of the complexities of human or animal physiology can validate the performance of a medical device in its working environment.


All manner of medical devices – including class I, II & III medical devices, implantables, wearables, medical supplies and hospital equipment – benefit from simulation. From ideation to post-market adjustments, simulation drives better development and higher performance.

Medical uses for simulation are as diverse as medical specialties. Companies are embracing in silico methods for everything from cardiovascular stents and pacemakers to custom 3D-printed orthopedic implants to smart wearables like insulin pumps.

Digital System Prototyping for Medical Devices

Medical system design benefits from simulation by efficiently evaluating the whole system, not just its parts.


Physically testing integrated systems and subsystems can be costly and doesn’t always identify potential shortcomings.

Ansys has developed a multidomain, digital system prototyping platform that enables multispecialty teams with diverse engineering backgrounds to work in unison.

Few systems are as complex as the human body and few industries as regulated as healthcare. This poses extreme design challenges for engineers in the medical devices and healthcare sector who must develop effective products that meet some of the highest regulatory standards in the world. Physical testing for such devices is both expensive and time-consuming and may not identify optimal configurations since it is difficult to physically test every possible scenario.

Ansys’ simulation solutions enable device manufacturers to carry out more tests and gain more insightful data than is possible with traditional physical testing. This allows more rapid prototyping, integrated designs that function from day one and the ability to fix operational problems before going into the physical testing phase.

Best Practices for Medical Devices

To accelerate adoption and ensure satisfaction of the highest safety standards, leading medical device companies, in collaboration with regulators and the simulation industry, have developed best practices to enable dramatic cost and time-to-market reduction while maximizing patient safety.


A ‘Virtual Human Laboratory’ provides more insights

Creating and validating virtual anatomic models enables companies to investigate their prototypes under realistic physiologic conditions and get better insights into potential outcomes


Digital twins will soon create ‘Personal Digital Avatars’

The proliferation of connected medical devices promises to enable the digital twin of every human, unlocking new possibilities for predictive and preventive medicine.


‘Simulation-Driven Regulatory Approval’ opens the door to digital evidence.

As regulatory agencies consider digital evidence, it is crucial to create credible, verified and validated models to address regulator questions and/concerns.

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