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The Design Database for Products within the Ansys Granta EduPack Software

Designers often look at materials differently than engineers, due to how they interact with them during the product-design process. This lecture showcases the features of the Design database in Ansys Granta EduPack™, a teaching software for materials education. This database (formerly known as the PMP database) was created to support design and product development-focused courses. It is more visual and image-based than the other databases of the Ansys Granta EduPack software, with multiple ways to view material data depending on the course needs. The presentation emphasizes the database-specific information, such as a products dataset (including producers) and aesthetic data (i.e. if a material feels hard or soft, cold or warm). 

Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding of materials and processes properties through products
  • Ability to find design and engineering data from products
  • Appreciation of the relationships between Products, Materials and Processes.

Applicable Courses for Use

  • Materials in Industrial Design
  • Intro to Product Design

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