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Material Property Chart Basics in the Ansys Granta EduPack Software

This presentation provides an introduction to creating bar and bubble material property charts with Ansys Granta EduPack™, a teaching software for materials education. The chart management tool bar is explained along with examples of plotting data to screen materials, inserting your own material records, and saving projects for report writing. This lecture presentation can be used as an introduction for students alongside the lecture “The Materials of Engineering: an Intro to Ansys Granta EduPack” (linked below) to familiarize students with the key functionalities of the software before use. Exercises utilizing the content covered in this lecture are also available on the Ansys Education Resources site.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding of material families and their property relationships
  • Ability to create material property charts for specific purposes
  • Grasping a broad view of materials information, the big picture

Applicable Courses for Use

  • Intro to Materials
  • Materials Selection

Related Resources

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