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Active-Learning Tool Kit for Sustainable Development using Ansys Granta EduPack

This Active-learning Tool Kit includes a set of templates, handouts and exercises with worked solutions to support teaching of the complex subject of Sustainable Development. It is further supported by the Ansys Granta EduPack Sustainability databases, which are helpful but not essential for the implementation of the method. The Tool Kit has five Main Parts provided in the PDF file: Introduction and content, Method, Handouts, Instructor Experiences, Templates, and Information about the Granta EduPack Sustainability Databases. Associated sustainability case studies, such as the one on biopolymers, can be used in conjunction with this document.


Learning Outcomes

  • Assess sustainable development questions using the Ashby 5-Step methodology
  • Explore sustainability data within Ansys Granta EduPack


Applicable Courses for Use

  • Materials and Sustainability
  • Intro to Sustainable Development
  • Intro to Sustainability


Downloadable Content

  • PDF document that contains: Instructions, Testimonials, and Templates
Active-Learning Tool Kit for Sustainable Development using Ansys Granta EduPack

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