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Intro to Material Science & Engineering in Ansys Granta EduPack Software

The Materials Science and Engineering (MS&E) database in Ansys Granta EduPack™, a teaching software for materials education, is designed to support introductory materials science teaching. The relationship between Processing, Structure and Properties, and how they depend on characterization methods, is at its core. There are seven main focus areas: elements, materials, processes, characterization techniques, property-process profiles, phase diagrams, and materials selection. Features unique to this database include the Phase Diagram focus area, with its interactive Lever Rule tool, the Property-Process Profiles, which highlights the important connection between properties and common processing techniques, and the Characterization Techniques datatable, which includes information on common materials characterization methods. There is also additional data on processing methods and advanced materials, such as piezoelectrics. This presentation goes over the details of this database, the organization of the data, and how the new tools can be used to teach various introductory materials science topics.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding what is available in the MS&E database
  • Ability to plot property trajectories as a function of processing
  • Appreciation of the Processing, Structure, and Properties relationship

Applicable Courses

  • Intro to Materials

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