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Ansys Fluent Native Multi-GPU Solver: CFD Validation Studies and Accuracy Improvements in Version 2024 R2

The use of GPU hardware for graphics visualization, artificial intelligence (AI), and scientific computing has been expanding over the past several years, and the demand for GPUs for these applications has never been higher. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has reaped the benefits of this growth, leading to new paradigms for solving problems in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, combustion, and related physics.

Ansys has been at the forefront of this revolution in CFD with the release of the Ansys Fluent native GPU solver in 2022. The capabilities of the solver have grown rapidly to include more physical models, boundary conditions, solution methods, and productivity features, while at the same time expanding our collective experience across a wide range of GPU hardware configurations.

Download the white paper to learn more about the 2024 R2 Fluent GPU solver.


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