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Suffering from Fatigue? Learn About Durability with Ansys

The Ansys platform is focused on an easy-to-use single UI, integration with industry-leading products and native automation. Ansys nCode DesignLife has the most up-to-date durability competency and is well integrated with Ansys GRANTA, Ansys Mechanical and Ansys optiSLang. Customers across industry segments can use this end-to-end integrated workflow early in the design process by involving multiple simulation engineers. Ansys nCode DesignLife helps you to move away from stress-based parametric studies to life-based parametric studies.

This webinar will cover the following Ansys nCode DesignLife topics:

  • Product overview
  • What’ s new
  • End-to-end workflow — Demo
  • Durability FAQ
    • High cycle versus low cycle
    • Impact on life due to element type, size, etc.
    • Durability for thermal and vibration loading
    • Durability on joints

Presenters: Hardik Shah, Jeffrey Mentley




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