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Electrothermal Signoff for 2.5D and 3D IC Systems

The move to advanced designs and packaging as well as 2.5D/3D multi-die systems has created many challenges. The only way to predict the behavior of these very complex designs is through concurrent multiphysics analysis across multiple performance parameters.

This webinar introduces Ansys RedHawk-SC Electrothermal, a new analysis tool that provides comprehensive simulation of multi-die packages for electrical, thermal, electromagnetic and mechanical sign-off.

What you will learn

In this webinar, we cover how RedHawk-SC Electrothermal analyzes 2.5D/3D designs for:

  • Early prototyping of multi-die packages
  • Power integrity and signal integrity signoff methodologies
  • Heterogeneous data input and unified GUI
  • Links to system-level analysis tools


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