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Ansys & Hexagon: Digitalizing Fiber Orientations & Simulating Composite Parts

Manufactured by Hexagon, the Absolute Arm and Vision System 3D are an integrated hardware and software tool set, designed to scan and digitalize composite fiber orientations of semi-finished carbon composite parts by combining geometrical scans and image processing. The resulting digital twin empowers engineers to identify material orientations as built. The Hexagon software Explorer 3D enables the exportation of three-dimensional fiber orientation information in HDF5 format, which subsequently can be imported and mapped seamlessly on a finite element mesh through Ansys activated corrosion products (ACPs) HDF5 interface.

This webinar spotlights the workflow of scanning and digitizing fiber orientations through Hexagon to receiving Ansys simulation results that detail the sensitivity of differing material orientations from their as-designed states.



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