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Connecting Composite Forming Simulations in AniForm with Ansys Structural Simulation

With Ansys Composite PrepPost, a user can take the variable layup and material properties into account to predict the structural response more accurately. Engineers can now benefit from the composite CAE HDF5 interface of both software tools to seamlessly transfer composite layup data from manufacturing simulation in AniForm to the structural simulation in Ansys. Design-related decisions for composite parts and manufacturing tools can be made with increased certainty early in the development process and, as a result, reduce costs by enabling a first-time-right part design.

This webinar highlights how AniForm conducts forming analysis of a part. Additionally, we will spotlight how to transfer layup data through the HDF5 interface. Lastly, we will discuss how to perform a structural analysis with Ansys Composite PrepPost with process dependent variable layup and material properties.



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