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Ansys Pervasive Simulation for Transforming Railway Transportation

The rail industry is undergoing a technology transformation and is evolving to deliver high-speed rails, digitization, improved passenger comforts and increased safety standards. Additionally, this sector will soon offer an integrated digital railway system for faster, reliable and efficient transportation. Ansys simulation software provides promising solutions for railway operators to enhance rail product design and engineering to ensure rail transportation is safer and more comfortable than ever.

This webinar spotlights Ansys pervasive simulation solutions for railway industry applications. We will illustrate how Ansys simulations help drive product design and innovation in rolling stocks and coaches, digitization for safety enhancement, signaling and telecommunication, efficient propulsion and electrical equipment (e.g. traction motors, transformers, power electronics).

  • Understand Ansys simulation solutions for the railway industry.
  • Learn how simulation can help enable railway product innovation.
  • Discover complete solutions for railway across structures, fluid dynamics, electrification, control and signaling

Speaker: Vishwajeet Singh, Lead Application Engineer


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