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Ansys 2022 R1: Electronics Reliability Update

Ansys 2022 R1 introduces significant advances across the Ansys suite of tools supporting Electronics Reliability applications. In addition to critical enhancements within Ansys Sherlock, Mechanical, LS-DYNA, and Icepak, new tool integrations and workflow solutions advance state-of-the-art simulation.

What Attendees Will Learn

  • Ansys Sherlock Integration with Ansys AEDT Icepak 
  • Enhanced Ansys Sherlock + Ansys Mechanical Reinforcements Workflow 
  • Chip- and Die-Level Model Pre-Processing Enhancements in Ansys Sherlock 
  • Ansys Mechanical Trace Mapping Enhancements
  • Scripting, Automation, and Design Exploration Workflow Enhancements

We'll also discuss additional enhancements to Ansys Sherlock, Mechanical (including powerful meshing enhancements), LS-DYNA, and Icepak that provide additional insights and improve productivity.

Speaker: Kelly Morgan, Principal Application Engineer, Ansys


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