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Ansys SCADE Solutions for ARINC 661 Compliant Systems

SCADE Solutions for ARINC 661 Compliant Systems is a simulation toolset that empowers engineers to prototype and design ARINC 661 compliant systems, embedded Cockpit Display Systems (CDS) and User Applications (UA).

For CDS developers, the toolset features a customizable ARINC 661 compliant widgets library, delivered as SCADE Suite and SCADE Display models; ARINC 661 configuration files to define the widgets list and their interfaces; and the automated generation of an ARINC 661 Server.

For UA developers, the toolset features the design of UA pages as models, the automatic generation of standard binary and XML Definition Files (DF), and the automatic generation of communication code between SCADE Suite UA models and any ARINC 661 Server.

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