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Ansys LS-DYNA On Amazon EC2 HPC6A Instances Featuring AMD EPYC 7003 Series Processors

This performance brief displays Ansys LS-DYNA 13.1.1 running the benchmarks on Ansys Gateway powered by AWS. Ansys Gateway powered by AWS is a solution for developers, designers, and engineers who want to manage their complete Ansys Simulation & CAD/CAE developments in the cloud. AWS Cloud computing resources can be accessed virtually on any device via web browser through Ansys Gateway powered by AWS portal.

What You Will Learn

  • 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ processors deliver outstanding scale-out performance running Ansys® LS-DYNA® on one to four Amazon Web Services Hpc6a instances.
  • Ansys LS-DYNA scales very well on Hpc6a instances with a speed up of ~2.47x at 384 cores for both of the models. FEA explicit solvers typically do not scale beyond 2-4 nodes, with production models running ~400 to 500 cores.

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AWS AMD DYNA benchmarks


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