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Ansys 2021 R2: What’s New in Ansys Motion

This webinar spotlights Ansys Motion’s enhanced intelligent and advanced multi-body dynamics, discusses Ansys Mechanical integration and highlights improved workflows offered in the Ansys 2021 R2 release.

  • Explore enhancements in contact performance within Motion, which can deliver an up to 10X speedup.
  • Learn how Mechanical’s integration with Motion improves ease of use of contact creation.
  • Understand how the new automated Motion to Acoustic Interface enables users to drag and drop their harmonic acoustic system onto the results of their motion system within Ansys Workbench.
  • Discover how the flexibility within the Mechanical and Motion integration empowers users to execute an action (stop solution, activate/deactivate joint, etc.) based on solution time or a functional expression.

Speakers: Alex Pett


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