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Ansys Charge Plus
Charging And Discharging Modeling Solution

3D modeling solution of charging, discharging and charge carrier transport across a wide range of applications, in one streamlined workflow.

Material Charging and Discharging Modeling Build into Ansys Discovery

Ansys Charge Plus supports an array of analyses by leveraging four physics solvers designed to tackle internal and surface charging, particle transport, and arcing across interfaces –all in a streamlined workflow built into the Ansys Discovery CAD interface. Ansys Charge Plus expedites the assessment and management of risk associated to material charging and discharging.

  • Check icon outline
    Discovery’s Direct Modeler UI
  • Check icon outline
    3D Particle Transport
  • Check icon outline
    Surface and Internal Charging
  • Check icon outline
    ESDs in Air and Dielectrics
Material Charging and Discharging Model

Quick Specs

  • Finite Difference Time- Domain (FDTD)
  • 3D Particle Transport
  • Non-linear Air Chemistry Module
  • Supports Ansys HPC
  • Finite Elements Method (FEM)
  • Self-Consistent Coupled Simulations
  • AGI STK and Ansys EnSight Compatibility
  • Optimized Charge Balance Equation Solvers
  • Integrated Pre- and Post- Processing
  • Ansys SpaceClaim Included

January 2025

What's New

The 2025 R1 Ansys Charge Plus release improves plasma dynamics simulations, advances ray tracing capabilities, and introduces electron energy distribution analysis for the comprehensive plasma state examination.

Fluid Boundary Conditions for Plasma Dynamics

Enhances inlet and outlet boundaries for plasma simulations, allowing users to specify plasmas, surfaces, and inlet/outlet types with relevant parameters familiar to CFD users.

Ray Tracing Advancements

These advancements improves shielding estimation for electronics from high-energy effects, introduces a new raytracing probe/detector for entire components, and enhances stability and performance for faster, more accurate results.

Electron Energy Distribution

Provides a descriptive state of plasma over time, enabling examination of electron energy after various RF cycles for comprehensive plasma analysis.



  • Internal Charging
  • Electrostatic Discharge in Air
  • Surface Charging 
  • 3D Particle Transport
  • Arcing in Solid Dielectrics
  • Coupled Charging Simulations

Simulate internal charging of conducting and insulating solids to recover electric fields and currents induced by high energy particles and time-varying currents. Assess the risk of dielectric breakdown or the amount of current generated from nuclear interactions of high-energy particles with bulk material. Take advantage of a full-wave finite-element method (FEM) solution for electromagnetism to accurately reproduce current waveforms and analyze risks of EMI.

Electrostatic Discharge in Air Leverage a full-wave, finite-difference time domain (FDTD) solver of Maxwell’s equations, coupled with a non-linear air chemistry module, to accurately simulate the arcing phenomenon in complex CAD geometries. Reproduce flashover events on PCB nets, arcing events in circuit breakers of any voltage, ESD testing standards for electronics, and more. Recover the arc current waveform created during the arc creation to tackle concerns of electromagnetic interference (EMI).

Simulate the surface charging of materials in various low- and high- energy, time-varying, charging environments such as space plasmas, precipitation statics, and triboelectric effects. Assess the risk of communication disruption, material degradation and discharge by locating regions with excessive charge accumulations.

3D Particle Transport Starting from a time-varying flux of high energy primary particles and any source geometry, track interactions of primary and secondary particles with any 3D bulk material. Couple the 3D particle transport with the FEM to infer particle flux, charge deposition rates, currents, electromagnetic fields and energy, while simultaneously calculating how these fields affect the particle interactions. Extract energy spectra by particle type to tackle radiation hardening problems and sneak path analysis.

Simulate electronic and avalanche breakdown of solid dielectrics by leveraging the state-of-the-art coupling of the FEM with the 3D particle transport, integrated in a multi-physics approach of the arcing phenomena. Using a stochastic tree model and the full-wave FEM solution for electronic breakdown, recover the current waveforms generated by arcing events and tackle resulting EMI concerns. With identified arcing regions, assess levels of material degradation and conductivity changes due to carbonization.

Self consistently solve for the surface or internal charging problem to tackle complex charging environments. Use the FEM mesh to track electromagnetic fields in 3D around a surface charging problem or infer how much charge is deposited on a surface from high-energy particles of the 3D transport source, tracked in the FEM volumetric mesh.

Upcoming Webinars

July 23, 2024 11 AM EDT / 5 PM CEST / 8:30 PM IST
EMC Plus Charge Plus
Ansys 2024 R2: Ansys EMC Plus and Ansys Charge Plus Update

Ansys EMC Plus and Ansys Charge Plus are solutions for simulating full-platform electromagnetic events such as EMI/EMC and ESD. See a demonstration of efficient workflows to model cables and harnesses, connect complex meshes, and visualize magnetic fields in 3D. Learn how ray tracing can be used in rad-hard calculations, how to predict electromagnetic discharges in plasma, and how users can vary particle energy transport spectrum for radiation transport.

Ansys Charge Plus RESOURCES & EVENTS

Featured Webinars

Foundations and Integrations of Ansys EMA3D Tools Part 3: The Particle-in-Cell Solver of Ansys Charge Plus

In this webinar, the 3rd in a 5-part series, we'll consider using the Ansys Charge Plus electromagnetic simulation tool for modeling and simulating charged particle plasmas in aerospace and semiconductor applications.

White Papers & Articles

The Ansys Charge Plus PiC Solver

The Ansys Charge Plus PiC Solver

All surfaces exposed to radiation – whether aircraft fuselages, satellite skins or solar panels – are subject to ionization effects thru the accumulation of charged particles on that surface. The resultant charged plasmas present critical hazards to these platforms as the sudden, nonlinear discharges of the plasmas can damage or destroy these surfaces or any underlying electronics. Through use of the Particle-in-Cell (PiC) solver, Ansys Charge Plus can capture each individual particle in such plasmas to permit the modeling and simulation needed to help system designers take preventative measures against phenomena such as lightning strikes and electrostatic discharge events.

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