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QuesTek Innovations, LLC.


QuesTek empowers innovators by resolving materials-based challenges. QuesTek is both a pioneer and current market leader in Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME). QuesTek’s Materials by Design® technologies have enabled new products to achieve new thresholds of performance across a wide range of industries including aerospace, automotive, medical devices, consumer electronics and luxury goods. 

QuesTek’s ICMD® materials design and engineering software platform enables engineers to design novel materials concurrently with systems-level, multi-scale product designs to achieve breakthrough product performance levels. 

ICMD® Materials Design & Engineering Platform – QuesTek Innovations LLC: ICMD® is a digital materials design and engineering software platform including toolkits for materials design, accelerated qualification and certification, informatics and analytics, and simulation. Toolkits embody QuesTek’s Materials by Design® technology by providing proven models, datasets, and workflows, including select third-party software and databases to support materials design, development, and deployment processes. ICMD® can output novel materials compositions to (for example) Ansys Mechanical, LS-DYNA, and Ansys GRANTA. ICMD® provides engineers the ability to readily apply the materials expertise gained over QuesTek’s 25-year history as pioneers and leaders in integrated computational materials engineering.

QuesTek Innovations is the primary operating subsidiary of QuesTek International LLC and is headquartered in Evanston, Illinois. QuesTek has additional locations in Cambridge, Massachusetts; Solna, Sweden; and Tokyo.