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eCon Engineering Kft.


Econ Engineering provides software distribution, support, and training services as an Ansys Authorized channel partner in Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

With 90+ engineers and over 22 years experience in finite element, boundary element methods, and industrial automation competencies, we offer expertise in solving various problems ranging from simple simulation analyses to complex assignments integrated into development projects.

Leveraging our Ansys knowledge, Econ Engineering provides all services under virtual development, support, and testing.  Among simulation activities, Econ provides Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Electronics and Multiphysics Simulation (EMS), Multibody Dynamics Simulation (MBS), and 1D System Simulation.

Additional Resources

Please visit our local office websites to learn more about Ansys software solutions!

Az Econ Engineering az Ansys szoftverek értékesítését és támogatását Magyarországon, Horvátországban, Szerbiában, Montenegróban és Bosznia-Hercegovinában biztosítja.

Prodaja i podrška Ansys softvera od strane Econ Engineeringa se vrši u Mađarskoj, Hrvatskoj, Srbiji, Crnoj Gori, Bosni i Hercegovini.

Продаја и подршка Ансис софтвера од стране Ецон Енгинееринг-а је обезбеђена у Мађарској, Хрватској, Србији, Црној Гори, Босни и Херцеговини.