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Ansys Chemkin
Chemistry Simulation Software

Ansys Chemkin is the industry leader for modeling complex, chemically reacting systems. It has been extensively validated in numerous chemistry applications and is well known for its extremely fast simulation time.


Even with the Most Complex Kinetics, Ansys Chemkin Operates Accurately and Efficiently

Today’s energy standards call for high yields, efficiency and quality with minimal byproduct or waste. Ansys Chemkin is a chemical kinetics simulator that models idealized reacting flows and provides insight into results before production testing. Relying on testing alone for verifying chemical processes is prohibitive, given today’s shortened design cycles. Effective simulation is critical for cost-effective designs and gets your product to market faster.

  • Check icon outline
    User-friendly Interface
  • Check icon outline
    Rapid Insights and Results
  • Check icon outline
    Gold Standard for Chemical Kinetic Simulation
  • Check icon outline
    Power CFD Simulations
Enhance chemical simulation

Quick Specs

Tailor your analysis faster with this robust chemistry simulation software. It includes innovative particle tracking and can generate flame-speed tables for your CFD models, giving you more time to optimize your design.

  • Gas and Surface Reactions
  • Reaction Path Analysis
  • Chemical Vapor Deposition
  • Equivalent Reactor Network Simulation
  • Laminar Flame Simulators
  • Uncertainty Analysis
  • Surrogate Fuel Blend Formulation
  • Solution Sensitivity to Reaction Rates
  • Table Generators
  • Real-gas Models
  • Mechanism Reduction and Optimization
  • User Programming

Rewriting the Formula for Fireworks

A chemical kineticist optimizes fireworks by increasing displays and decreasing smoke.

Rewriting the Formula for Fireworks

“To solve the problem, Ansys Chemkin…was used to model the smoke formation within the fireworks and investigate the chemical reactions. This data provided invaluable insights that led to recommendations for smoke reduction.”

Mitsuo Koshi is a world-renowned chemical kineticist who also happens to be an avid fireworks fan. He is responsible for judging prestigious fireworks competitions across Japan. Every year, firework displays become grander and more fantastic, but this is paired with increased emissions.

To reduce the emissions, Professor Koshi started with classical nucleation theory (CNT), but quickly learned it could not be applied to predict the black powder smoke generation. Koshi then looked to Ansys Chemkin-Pro, an unconventional choice at the time. The chemical kinetics simulation software allowed Koshi to quickly model and assess the smoke particles.

Next, the software was utilized as a chemical reaction simulator. During simulation, Koshi could quickly substitute various chemicals until the right combination was found.

Using Ansys Chemkin, Koshi was able to reduce emitted smoke by nearly 90 percent, making the firework shows less environmentally harmful while providing greater visibility to their fantastic displays.


Ansys Chemkin is the Industry Leading Chemistry Simulation Software

This software has been extensively utilized in a wide range of detailed chemistry applications. Whether it is used as a combustion modeling software for a gas turbine or for to evaluate complex chemical reactions in a processing plant, Ansys Chemkin delivers results. Complex computations are done quickly and accurately, allowing you to perform insightful combustion and emissions analysis.

Ansys Chemkin-Pro Capabilities


Key Features

  • Combustion Analysis
  • Emissions Analysis
  • Energico for ERN
  • Reaction Workbench
  • Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactors

Quickly identify key combustion characteristics such as ignition times and flame structure and the impact of conditions on them. Quantify the effect of fuel composition.

Identify emissions including CO, NOx and soot. Get detailed information on particle size and number distribution.

Automatically create an equivalent reactor network from your simple CFD solution. Get accurate prediction of emissions from a gas turbine. Estimate lean blow off propensity. Map chemistry results onto geometry. Provides insights into where and how emissions are formed.

Create a tailored fuel model that matches physical or chemical properties of real fuel. Use the automatic mechanism reduction capability to reduce the reaction mechanism to a size suitable for use in CFD.

Get insights into designing and improving CVD process. Get answers to what affects the rate of deposition and why.

July 2024

What's New

In 2024 R2, Ansys Chemkin's new features include an updated user interface with a dark theme and new iconographies, updated mechanisms for the model fuel library (MFL), and new functionality for several models.

Updated User Interface (UI)

The Ansys Chemkin UI is updated to align with the Ansys Design Language (ADL) used across major Ansys flagship products. The dark theme is now the default, and new, modernized iconographies and outline trees are available for an improved user experience (UX).         

New Model Fuel Library (MFL) Mechanisms

New mechanisms are now available for modeling lithium-ion battery thermal runaway and conventional and carbon-neutral fuels. 

2024 R2 Fluids Chemkin new models
New Functionalities for several Chemkin Models

Convert thermodynamic data to NASA9 format, an RPG table can model real gas properties, and a liquid density estimation is now available for multi-phase reactor models. 

Ansys software is accessible

It's vital to Ansys that all users, including those with disabilities, can access our products. As such, we endeavor to follow accessibility requirements based on the US Access Board (Section 508), Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), and the current format of the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT).

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