Ansys STK 可讓您建立多領域情境,將模擬延伸到系統外之作業環境的互動式模型。定義並了解物件之間的複雜關係,並分析物件隨著時間變化的效能。
Ansys Systems Tool Kit (STK) 提供了物理型建模環境,可在實際任務環境中分析平台和酬載。
您可以使用 Systems Tool Kit (STK) 在實際和時間動態的三維模擬 (包含高解析度地形、圖像、射頻環境等) 中模擬複雜系統。選擇、建立或匯入地面、海洋、天空和太空資產的精確模型,並將它們合併以呈現現有或建議的系統。隨時隨地模擬整個運作中的系統體系,以清楚了解其行為和任務成效。
Ansys STK 可讓您建立多領域情境,將模擬延伸到系統外之作業環境的互動式模型。定義並了解物件之間的複雜關係,並分析物件隨著時間變化的效能。
STK 功能
Ansys STK 可將數位工程延伸到任務中,也就是系統和系統體系必須在其中繼承的作業環境。
這就是 Digital Mission Engineering。雖然這感覺就像是專案生命週期結束時 (在系統完成設計後) 可以預期的結果,但不僅僅只是如此。Digital Mission Engineering 應及早並經常應用,從設計到開發、測試、作業和維持都不例外。盡早發現問題,就能擁有超越對手的設計,能夠以大幅領先競爭對手的速度進行部署。
Ansys STK 擁有一系列無與倫比的多領域物理型分析功能,適用於航太、國防、電信和其他產業。
Join us for a demonstration of a digital engineering framework that integrates various software tools across model-based engineering, model-based systems engineering, and modeling simulation and analysis abstractions layers. Engage your complete team to solve complex microelectronics problems in the context of a scenario.
This webinar will highlight mission development, sensor system modeling, and performance assessment against mission requirements.
Learn how Ansys Minerva, ModelCenter, Systems Tool Kit (STK), and other digital engineering tools can be utilized throughout an entire wildfire detection mission design process, connecting multiple engineering workflows and teams.
STK Engine provides an Application Programming Interface (API) for incorporating STK’s analytical,mapping, and visualization capabilities into custom applications. Engineers and systems integrators utilize STK’s robust object model and command-driven interfaces to streamline workflows, automate repetitive routines, or even deploy stand-alone solutions to end users. This provides endless possibilitiesfor developers to bring STK’s industry-leading systems modeling, simulation, and analysis capabilities to their applications.
Ansys STK enables you to create multidomain scenarios that extend simulation beyond systems to an interactive model of the operational environment. Define and understand complex relationships between objects and analyze their performance over time.
Extend the analytical depth of your applications with the same industry-leading functionality available throughout STK’s desktop solution. Developers now have the option to bring communications link analysis, radar analysis, trajectory design, dynamic coverage, attitude analysis, and other fundamental STK capabilities to their deployed applications.
Developing a custom application and putting it into the hands of other users couldn’t be easier. STK Engine includes deployment packages, instructions, and other resources to help you build installers and widely distribute your customized solution. This option permits engineers and systems integrators to fully license and deploy their custom applications in a stand-alone format to their end-users or additional customers — with nothing more than an Ansys STK Engine Runtime License