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Ansys EnSight
Simulation Data Visualization Software

Analyze, visualize and communicate your simulation data with Ansys EnSight. A general-purpose post processing software allowing you to gain insights and understandings from your simulations.


EnSight Handles all Simulation Engineering Disciplines

Ansys EnSight is the user friendly, market-leading data visualization tool. It can handle large simulation datasets from all physics and engineering disciplines. This software is capable of consolidating data from multiple engineering simulations to help you analyze and explain the most complex systems and processes.

  • Modern, Interactive User Interface
    Modern, Interactive User Interface
  • Can Handle Large Simulation Datasets
    Can Handle Large Simulation Datasets
  • Interactive Transient Post-processing
    Interactive Transient Post-processing
  • Multiphysics Data Visualization
    Multiphysics Data Visualization
Comprehensive Data Visualization

Quick Specs

EnSight allows you to extract the salient information by providing a powerful set of analysis tools and techniques. From common tools to cutting-edge features such as Volume Rendering and LIC, explore your data visually. Visualize data from more than one design simultaneously, even from different solvers.

  • Multiphysics Post-processing
  • Keyframe Animations
  • Python Scripting
  • Variable Calculator
  • Parallel Post-processing
  • Volume Rendering
  • Realistic Rendering
  • Remote Visualization
  • Multi-case Comparison
  • Line Integral Convolution (LIC)
  • Report Generation
  • Market Leading Animations

July 2024

What's New

In 2024 R2, Ansys EnSight has new integrations with Ansys Rocky, new rendering enhancements, and connections with NVIDIA Omniverse.

Integration with NVIDIA Omniverse

EnSight’s initial integration with NVIDIA Omniverse provides improved rendering quality, materials, and asset visualization for advanced realistic renderings of simulation results.

New Native Rocky Reader

EnSight is now available for Ansys Rocky post-processing enabling improved simulation

2024 R2 Fluids EnSight PyEnsight updates
PyEnSight Updates

With PyEnSight, you can launch and control an EnSight instance from an external or remote Python instance. Updates in 2024 R2 include continued updates to tools, modules, and APIs.

“Meaningful Results”

EnSight is a crucial tool Astec engineers utilize to maximize asphalt production.

Ansys EnSight

“Ansys EnSight software enables engineers to assemble the most relevant simulation results into composite images that maximize the insights provided to design decision-makers”

Astec Industries is a well-known manufacturer of large-scale asphalt production machinery. They constantly strive for higher quality and more efficient solutions.

Simulation proved to be the best method to quickly evaluate system modifications in a cost-effective manner.  Ansys EnSight produced animations, graphs and explanatory text from large multi-disciplinary datasets. This data allowed the engineers to compare results from the most impactful modifications. The team was able to increase system efficiency and validate their designs based on the analysis and visualization performed with Ansys EnSight.


View all Applications
Mixing Applications


Ansys fluid mixing simulation tools help you to model the mixing process and blending of one or more fluid-like materials.



Process Large Datasets with Ansys EnSight

EnSight has no issues tackling vast datasets. In fact, it can process models that contain more than hundreds of millions of cells. It is the industry leader for all physics (CFD, FEA, MBD, DEM, CAE, etc…) data visualization and is consistently leveraged by its users.

You’ll be able to import data from various engineering simulations to quickly analyze performance – all in a single, interactive application.

Process Large Dataset with Ansys EnSight


Key Features

Ansys EnSight enables you to analyze, visualize and communicate data from a variety of physics simulations.

CFD simulations are the core audience for EnSight's interactive, dynamic, and exploratory capabilities and features. Everything from powerful calculator operations, multiple viewports, fast transient post processing to the interactive clips, isosurfaces and streamlines creates an environment in which the user can explore, extract, and learn key insights into the solution quickly and dynamically. Leveraging the many different readers allows the users to integrate data together from multiple sources to help analyze, visualize, and communicate the salient results from the solution set to and understanding of the CFD results.

FEA simulations benefit from being post processed in EnSight with the ability to perform detailed data extracts from a wide range of variable values (including tensor operations). The generic capabilities of EnSight's post processing architecture lend itself well to the wide variety of FEA simulations. High quality rendering, material properties and ray traced renderings can create a much more realistic animation from your structural result solution.

MBD simulations benefit from EnSight's powerful animation capabilities including tracked camera movement, keyframe animations, and integrated graphs in the scene to help convey complex movements in a very powerful manner.

DEM simulations benefit from Ansys EnSight's particle display techniques which allow for very high particle counts to be displayed while maintaining high frame rates. The ability to both color & filter particles based on variable values along with variable based transparency and powerful calculator quantities on particles allows for users to extract out key information, metrics, and visualizations from DEM solutions.

General CAE simulations benefit in EnSight from a single consistent method to visualize results, along with the ability to read in over 50 different types of simulation formats together. Coupled multiphyisics solutions can be post processed together in a single viewport allowing for new insights to be gained from visualizing and analyzing the results together.

Ansys software is accessible

It's vital to Ansys that all users, including those with disabilities, can access our products. As such, we endeavor to follow accessibility requirements based on the US Access Board (Section 508), Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), and the current format of the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT).

Let’s Get Started

If you're facing engineering challenges, our team is here to assist. With a wealth of experience and a commitment to innovation, we invite you to reach out to us. Let's collaborate to turn your engineering obstacles into opportunities for growth and success. Contact us today to start the conversation.