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Ansys SCADE Test
Test, Verify and Validate Embedded Software

Ansys SCADE Test is a complete embedded software testing environment for requirements validation along with test-case creation and management.


An Integrated Solution to Reduce Embedded Code Testing Costs

Ansys SCADE Test is a complete testing environment for requirements validation, as well as test case creation and management. You can automate test case execution both on host and on target, measure coverage and manage test results for any SCADE application.

Ansys SCADE Test for verification and validation (V&V) activities benefit from best-in-class technology in both a model-based approach and a cost-effective testing environment, allowing them to significantly reduce testing efforts.

  • Check icon outline
    Validation and Test Creation
  • Check icon outline
    Host Execution and Model Coverage
  • Check icon outline
    Target Execution
  • Check icon outline
    Complete Application Lifecycle Management

Quick Specs

Ansys SCADE Test is proven to reduce embedded software verification activities time and costs and achieve reliable software. 

  • Best-in-Class Technology
  • Complete Testing Environment
  • Proven Cost Reduction
  • Model Coverage Analysis
  • Test Case Automation
  • Automated Test Harness Generation

Battery Management System Software Testing Improvements

Ansys and Volkswagen are working together to further improve the capabilities of the SCADE framework towards continuous integration and testing.


Embedded-software criticality levels have increased, putting strong constraints on the automotive software development process to ensure reliability.

Battery management components are one of the critical features in electric cars. The safety and quality considerations are heavily relying on the availability and performances of the software embedded in the battery management system. To achieve this challenge of implementing an efficient safe BMS in the shortest possible time and lowest possible cost, an efficient software development process is key with a straightforward verification path that reduces or even removes activities while preserving or even reinforcing confidence in the final software.


Ansys SCADE Test Allows You to Test Early, Reducing Late-Stage Design Work

With SCADE Test, you can get an early start on requirements validation and automate testing to ensure compliance from the early development stages and reduce costly late-stage design changes. The complete interactive testing environment easily enables prototyping and validation via graphical widgets; model test execution, reporting of model coverage results and test translation for hardware targets are automated. Test report generation is qualified according to Safety standards (DO-178C, ISO 26262, EN 50128, IEC 61508).


Key Features

Everything you need to get an early start on requirements validation 

  • Requirements Validation
  • Interactive and Batch User Interface
  • Model and Code Coverage Analysis
  • Test Execution on Target
  • System-in-the-Loop Testing

A key aspect of SCADE Test’s solution is full integration with the SCADE family of products. Validate your requirements early with a suite of features that include a library of pre-defined widgets, next-generation HMI concepts, interactive graphical panels for debug and simulation sessions, full integration with SCADE Suite model-based development environment, and automatic generation of executable applications for most common platforms

SCADE Test Environment for Host provides you with an interactive interface that you can use to manage test data, set up and test execution and obtain detailed test reports. Test reports are easily viewed, analyzed and managed through the application’s interactive analysis tools which offer powerful checking ability of expected results. The SCADE Test Execution Engine is a qualified development tool under DO-178C/DO-330 TQL-5, ISO 26262 TCL3, EN 50128 T2 and IEC 61508 T2 standards, so you’ll never have to worry about the correct execution of model-based tests on host.This enables diverse teams — working to meet functional safety and SOTIF standards across embedded software, electronics, perception and other areas — to collaborate easily and more seamlessly.

SCADE Test Model Coverage, combined with SCADE Test Environment for Host, allows you to measure the model coverage of test cases created and executed on host. Even better, model and code coverage are merged into a single activity, cutting the required time and effort in half. Model-level coverage measures branch coverage, decision coverage and modified condition/decision coverage within a qualified development tool, according to DO-178C/DO-330 TQL-4, ISO 26262 TCL3, EN 50128 T2 and IEC 61508 T2.

With SCADE Test Target Execution, you’ll be able to automate the generation of target harnesses for big-name third-party products like IBM Rational® Test RealTime, LDRA TestBed® for SCADE Suite and Vector Software VectorCAST™ for SCADE Suite. You can also enjoy support for applications developed with SCADE Suite or SCADE Display. Automatically translate model test cases into customizable harnesses that can be integrated into any in-house or commercial infrastructure. Like the rest of SCADE Test, the Test Harness Generator is a qualified development tool under several diverse standards.

Measure software model coverage while testing the full system with SCADE Test Services API. With the API, you can access functions to reset, load and write coverage results while the test is running. This allows you to fearlessly test a huge variety of scenarios with little to no risk, and greatly reduce time to update or expand test coverage as needed.


White Papers

White Paper

The SCADE FACE Software Development Kit - SDK

This paper presents the configuration of the Ansys SCADE toolset for the development of FACE compliant applications and the use of the resulting SCADE FACE SDK.



Ansys SCADE Test Technical Datasheet

SCADE Test is a product line of the Ansys embedded software family of products and solutions that provides test engineers with a complete testing environment for requirements validation, and test case creation and management. It allows engineers to automate test case execution both on-host and on-target, measure coverage and manage test results for any SCADE application.

Ansys software is accessible

It's vital to Ansys that all users, including those with disabilities, can access our products. As such, we endeavor to follow accessibility requirements based on the US Access Board (Section 508), Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), and the current format of the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT).

Let’s Get Started

If you're facing engineering challenges, our team is here to assist. With a wealth of experience and a commitment to innovation, we invite you to reach out to us. Let's collaborate to turn your engineering obstacles into opportunities for growth and success. Contact us today to start the conversation.