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Ice Accretion Simulation Software

Ansys FENSAP-ICE gives you a reliable method to simulate and analyze in-flight icing and ice accretion for a variety of aeronautical applications.



Ansys FENSAP-ICE is a high performance, in-flight icing simulation software

Ice accretion is a complex phenomenon that is extremely difficult to replicate using physical testing. Yet it’s essential to understand and limit for safety, product performance, and strict regulations. FENSAP-ICE brings you convenience by encompassing all major aspects of in-flight icing. Having no significant geometric limitations, it is applicable to aircraft, rotorcraft, UAVs, jet engines, nacelles, probes, detectors and other installed systems.

  • Ice Cracking and Shedding
    Ice Cracking and Shedding
  • Ice Protection System Analysis
    Ice Protection System Analysis
  • Ice Accretion Analysis
    Ice Accretion Analysis
  • Aerodynamic Performance Penalty Analysis
    Aerodynamic Performance Penalty Analysis
FENSAP-ICE Product Overview

Quick Specs

Perform in depth calculations with the industry-leading in-flight icing simulator. This powerful and streamlined software allows you to analyze ice accretion and ice protection systems.

  • Ice cracking and shedding
  • Virtually Limitless Geometric Possibilities
  • Anti- and De-icing Heat Loads
  • Aid-to-Certification Simulation
  • Anisotropic Mesh Optimization
  • Analyze Aerodynamic Degradation
  • Compatible with CAD-based Mesh Generators
  • Conjugate Heat Transfer Analyses

July 2024

What's New

In 2024 R2, FENSAP-ICE has improved connections with Ansys Fluent, provides a new ice density model, and much more.

Improved Multi-Shot Workflow with Ansys Fluent

FENSAP-ICE now supports grids created with Fluent meshing workflows with generic boundary names in the MULTI_FLUENT run type, simplifying the pre-processing effort when Fluent is used as the flow solver.  

New Ice Density Model

The impact ice density model, essential for swept wing ice shapes, is now available with tunable parameters and improved rime ice accuracy.

DROP3D Convergence Acceleration for High-Aspect Ratio Cells

A minimum local time step control added to DROP3D avoids having the solution getting stuck with unphysical liquid water content (LWC) and melt fraction ratios in certain parts of the boundary layer. 

Support for Negative Elements
Support for Negative Elements

FENSAP-ICE can now run with negative volume elements to enhance the robustness of multi-shot icing simulations. The multi-shot runs are now more resilient to meshing artifacts.

Improved Water Film
Improved Water Film Clipping and Shedding Model with Rotational and Gravitational Forces

The excess water film clipping model is updated to apply water sink only where it stagnates, improving runback film accuracy and mass conservation. The film detachment model is updated with a more accurate formula which is also quicker to evaluate. With these updates, water film shedding on rotating components can be resolved more accurately.

Improved Handling
Improved Handling of Boundary Intersection Remeshing

The remeshing process is updated to better handle ice shapes that intersect with other nearby boundaries which can be problematic during the surface wrap procedure. Icing simulations on internal components like turbomachinery blades are now more robust, with better handling of ice – shroud intersections.

Ansys FENSAP-ICE uses state-of-the-art methods for accurate in-flight icing simulation

Ansys FENSAP-ICE reduces your workload by providing powerful solvers dedicated to in-flight icing. Relying solely on experimental testing can add serious time and cost to a project. It can also be extremely difficult to consistently reproduce precise test conditions. This software lets you to accurately evaluate a variety of physical conditions while evaluating complex physics, such as conjugating heat transfer, prior to manufacturing. Fensap Ice gives you more time to analyze results and focus on critical design decisions.


Key Features

Ansys Fensap Ice addresses all major in-flight icing phenomena and can help shorten your design cycle.

  • Ice Accretion
  • Aerodynamic Performance Penalty Analysis
  • Ice Crystal and Supercooled Large Droplets
  • Turbomachinery Icing
  • Ice Protection System Analysis
  • Mesh Optimization with OptiGrid

Calculate the shapes and roughness distributions of glaze, rime or mixed-type ice accretion on aircraft surfaces ranging from wings to air data probes.

Assess the adverse effects of ice accretion on aircraft surfaces, losses in lift-to-drag ratios, increased blockage of screens and engine passages, and more.

FENSAP-ICE models supercooled large droplets and irregularly shaped ice crystals in compliance with the requirements of icing certification envelopes in Appendix O and Appendix D.

FENSAP-ICE predicts ice accretion due to droplets and ice crystal ingestion in the gas path of turbofan engine compressors.

Assess the performance of bleed-air and electro-thermal IPS to ensure protection against adverse in-flight icing conditions.

OptiGrid provides solution-based anisotropic mesh optimization for high-precision CFD simulations on unstructured hybrid grids at the lowest possible computational cost.

Ansys software is accessible

It's vital to Ansys that all users, including those with disabilities, can access our products. As such, we endeavor to follow accessibility requirements based on the US Access Board (Section 508), Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), and the current format of the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT).

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