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Applying Digital Engineering across Space Mission Analysis and Design

Systems Engineering and the Design Reference Mission (DRM)

The session will cover digital engineering, DRMs, and MBSE in space missions, featuring Sanford Friedenthal on applying MBSE with a FireSat example, followed by JJ Vergere discussing Ansys solutions.

May 1, 2025


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In this webinar, we will begin the series by introducing you to the concepts driving space mission engineering. Space missions are extremely complex and necessitate digital engineering techniques. Every digital engineering process and tool connects to the mission when properly executed. We’ll introduce the design reference mission (DRM); DRMs are mission engineering tools that allow engineers to describe the mission across the engineering lifecycle in a common environment. We will also discuss model-based systems engineering (MBSE) and how this approach pays dividends throughout development and implementation. 

What attendees will learn

  • Apply MBSE and mission analysis with a FireSat Spacecraft example
  • How digital engineering processes and tools connect back to the mission
  • What is a Design Reference Mission
  • MBSE and its importance to development and implementation

Who should attend

This series is ideal for aerospace engineers, systems engineers, mission planners, and space enthusiasts looking to deepen their knowledge.


Sanford Friedenthal

Sanford Friedenthal is an industry leader and independent model-based systems engineering (MBSE) consultant. He was formerly a Technical Fellow at Lockheed Martin, where he led the effort to enable Model-Based Systems Development (MBSD) and other advanced practices across the company. Mr. Friedenthal has led the industry standards effort through the Object Management Group (OMG) and INCOSE to develop the Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML ®) adopted by the OMG in 2006. He is co-author of ‘A Practical Guide to SysML’ and ‘Architecting Spacecraft with SysML’. Mr. Friedenthal more recently co-led the effort to develop the next generation of SysML (v2) and now co-chairs the OMG Systems Modeling Community (SMC) to advance systems modeling practices further.

JJ Vergere

JJ Vergere is a Senior Product Manager at Ansys, bringing almost 20 years of innovative technical background, experience, and leadership to the company’s product development efforts. His diverse background includes being an Air Force pilot and also working as an Electronics Engineer at the US Naval Research Laboratory. His professional journey reflects his ability to navigate complex technical landscapes and provide leadership. He leads critical product initiatives on the Ansys Behavior Execution Engine and MBSE. 

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