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Discover Accurate and Efficient Thermal Analysis with the New AEDT Mechanical Integration

To enhance collaboration across engineering disciplines and facilitate accelerated product innovation, Ansys integrates a subset of thermal analysis capabilities from Mechanical – its flagship product for performing various analyses such as structural and thermal – into Electronics Desktop. Using Mechanical – Thermal solution, electrical and electronics engineers can import electromagnetic losses, set up and analyze thermal models of their electromagnetic designs, performing all the required steps of the coupled workflow within a single environment.


What you will learn

  • Leverage Mechanical – Solution type in Ansys Electronics Desktop to quickly build and perform accurate steady-state thermal analysis
  • Building thermal models to analyze steady-state response of two use cases – die-level package design and electric motor
  • Importing EM losses from certain electromagnetic design types
  • Performing parametric sweeps
  • Setting up 2-way coupling workflows to study the effects of nonlinear material response 
  • Identify any thermal concerns in designs before undertaking conjugate heat transfer analysis 



Let’s Get Started

If you're facing engineering challenges, our team is here to assist. With a wealth of experience and a commitment to innovation, we invite you to reach out to us. Let's collaborate to turn your engineering obstacles into opportunities for growth and success. Contact us today to start the conversation.