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Fighting Cardiovascular Diseases with in silico Solutions

Computational modeling and simulation (CM&S) of cardiovascular devices and their working environment — the human body and heart — is the most promising way to accelerate and amplify medical innovation while limiting the risk for the patients through in silico research, in silico testing, and in silico clinical trials. 

Ansys simulations go beyond an advanced cardiovascular system model by using multiscale, multiphysics simulations in a suite of connected tools to provide a complete and pragmatic solution.


Overcoming Cardiac Device Development Challenges 

With more than 30 percent of all deaths attributed to cardiovascular diseases, the healthcare industry invests massively in disease prevention, treatment, and efforts to shorten the recovery period. The extensive in vitro and in vivo testing required to ensure patient safety and regulatory approval inevitably slows the delivery of innovative implantable cardiovascular devices — stents, valves, or pacemakers/defibrillators — to those who need them the most. 

Leveraging the power of in silico medicine and developing a detailed and reliable multiphysics model of the device and its working environment provides the necessary insights to test and optimize new products, help accelerate regulatory approval, and save lives.

Ansys Advantage Magazine 2024 Issue I: Simulation Transforms Healthcare

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Success Stories and Thought Leadership

Below is a currated list of success stories and thought leadership from our collegues, customers, and partners around the world using simulation to advance cardiovascular medical devices. 



Case Studies

Interested in Other Healthcare Applications?

Visit our healthcare industry page to learn about more healthcare applications that can benefit from modeling and simulation. 
