Course Overview
This course introduces variational FDTD (varFDTD) solver, one of the three solvers in MODE. It is primarily intended for beginner to intermediate users, with a focus on providing practical examples to common tasks. The course builds on the knowledge on the FDTD and a porttion of the course is dedicated to explaining how the 2.5D varFDTD differs from the full 3D FDTD simulations. The course covers frequently used functional areas, simulation setup, running simulations, and post-processing results.
- Basic understanding of electromagnetism and mode/waveguide theory.
- Familiarity with simulation methodology and physics of FDTD (standard 2D and 3D simulations). Ansys FDTD Getting Started course is a recommended prerequisite to this course, as many aspects of the solver and setup are shared. As such, some topics such as material modeling, meshing, and convergence testing will not be covered in detail as they are discussed in the Ansys FDTD Getting Started course.
Teaching Method
Lectures and demos. A major emphasis is placed on balanced mix of basic theoretical knowledge and helpful practical examples that will allow new users to quickly become proficient and productive with varFDTD.