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Introduction to

Course Overview

This course cov­ers the ba­sic ca­pa­bil­i­ties of LS-DY­NA. De­tailed de­scrip­tions and re­quire­ments are giv­en for da­ta prepa­ra­tion with ex­am­ples. Pre- and post-pro­cess­ing us­ing LS-Pre­Post is al­so cov­ered. This course is rec­om­mend­ed for those who per­form non­lin­ear sta­t­ic and tran­sient sim­u­la­tions. At­ten­dees work­ing in near­ly all fields of en­gi­neer­ing will ben­e­fit. This course is a pre­req­ui­site for the ad­vanced cours­es cov­er­ing the multiphysics ca­pa­bil­i­ties which in­clude com­press­ible and in­com­press­ible flu­ids, the airbag par­ti­cle method, Ar­bi­trary Lagrangian­-Euler­ian (ALE) flu­ids, ther­mal, acoustics, vi­bro-acoustics, met­al form­ing, elec­tro­mag­net­ics, dis­crete el­e­ments, fail­ure, fre­quen­cy re­sponse method­ol­o­gy, and iso­ge­o­met­ric analy­sis.


  • Basic knowledge of Finite Element Analysis and Engineering Concepts 

Teaching Method

Lectures and computer practical sessions to validate acquired knowledge.

Learning Outcome

Following the completion of this course, you will be able to

  • Understand the keyword structure of LS-DYNA and edit keyword files
  • Choose the explicit solution method and employ mass scaling to affect the timestep
  • Understand and choose a variety of contact types and measure part interactions
  • Define common engineering materials to include nonlinear response and failure
  • Navigate result files and use LS-PrePost to verify and validate model behavior
  • Choose beam, shell and solid element formulations for speed and accuracy
  • Distinguish between an acceptable "Normal Termination" and incorrect results

Available Dates

Date/Time Duration Event Type Location Language Course Cost Registration
9:30 - 18:00
2 Days
26-Aug-24 to 27-Aug-24
Live Pune-IN English Subscription Only

Learning Options

Training materials for this course are available with a Ansys Learning Hub Subscription. If there is no active public schedule available, private training can be arranged. Please contact us.


This is a 2-day classroom course covering both lectures and workshops. For virtual training, this course is covered over 5 x 2-hour sessions lectures only.

Virtual Classroom Session 1

  • Lecture 1: Introduction
  • Lecture 2: Explicit Theory

Virtual Classroom Session 2

  • Lecture 3: Solution Setup
  • Workshop: Keyword Editing
  • Workshop: Ball Impacting Plate
  • Lecture 4: Results and Postprocessing
  • Workshop: Postprocessing with LS-PrePost

Virtual Classroom Session 3

  • Lecture 5: Contact Modeling
  • Workshop: Tube Crush
  • Lecture 6: Material and Failure Modeling
  • Workshop: Tensile Test

Virtual Classroom Session 4

  • Lecture 7: Element Formulation and Hourglass Control
  • Workshop: Element Form/HG Control
  • Lecture 8: Restart

Virtual Classroom Session 5

  • Lecture 9: Debugging and Guidelines
  • Workshop: Closing Exercise

Day 1

  • Lecture 1: Introduction
  • Lecture 2: Explicit Theory
  • Lecture 3: Solution Setup
    • Workshop: Keyword Editing
    • Workshop: Ball Impacting Plate
  • Lecture 4: Results and Postprocessing
    • Workshop: Postprocessing with LS-PrePost

Day 2

  • Lecture 5: Contact Modeling
    • Workshop: Tube Crush
  • Lecture 6: Material and Failure Modeling
    • Workshop: Tensile Test
  • Lecture 7: Element Formulation and Hourglass Control
    • Workshop: Element Form/HG Control
  • Lecture 8: Restart
  • Lecture 9: Debugging and Guidelines
    • Workshop: Closing Exercise
  • Course Outline
  • History
  • Finite Element Simulation
  • Sample LS-DYNA Conference Presentations
  • Sample Simulations
  • FE Analysis (pre-processors, solvers, post-processors)
  • Detailed Example
  • LS-DYNA Input Deck
  • Using LS-PrePost
  • Details of Post-Processing
  • Detailed Capabilities - Keyword Format
  • Material Nonlinearity
  • Running LS-DYNA
  • Execution and Output Files
  • Binary
  • Output Control
  • FE Modeling Techniques
  • Engineering a FEA Model
  • Element Selection
  • Discrete (formulation of elastic and nonlinear elastic spring)
  • Beam
  • Shell (description of the various shell formulations)
  • Solid (description of the various solid formulations)
  • Thick Shells
  • Boundary and Initial Conditions, Symmetry
  • Modeling for Physical Phenomenon
  • Ad-Hoc Guidelines
  • How to tell if your results are correct
  • Er­ror, De­bug­ging, and Oth­er Use­ful In­for­ma­tion (d3hsp)
  • Time Integration
  • The Equations of Motion
  • Implicit
  • Explicit
  • Explicit Time Integration
  • Time Step Calculation
  • Selectively-Reduced Integration
  • Hourglass Phenomenon
  • Contact and Slide Surfaces
  • Friction
  • Damping
  • Restart
  • Quasi-Static Simulations
  • Why static analysis with explicit code
  • Mass Scaling