Course Overview
In Ansys Fluent, expressions allow you to replace single, fixed value entries for boundary conditions, source terms, material properties and other inputs used to define your CFD problem with mathematical expressions which can be functions of time, functions of position or functions of conditions, such as the temperature or pressure at a remote location. Unlike User-Defined Functions (UDFs), which require you to write and compile C code, expressions are entered directly in panels within the Fluent User Interface (UI) using intuitive expression syntax. Expressions can be saved and imported, and the expressions editor helps you to build expressions by selecting functions and variables from menus, and provides syntax matching, variable plotting and units validation. This course will teach you how to define and make use of expressions in Ansys Fluent.
- A technical education and background in fluid mechanics and heat transfer is recommended but not mandatory. An engineering degree is not required.
- Completion of the Ansys Fluent Getting Started course is required.
- Experience with Ansys Fluent is strongly recommended.
Teaching Method
Lectures and computer practical sessions to validate acquired knowledge.