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Ansys SCADE Suite
Design Verifier and
Formal Verification

Course Overview

This advanced training course presents formal verification techniques applied to Ansys SCADE Suite models using Ansys SCADE Suite Design Verifier.

Ansys SCADE Suite Design Verifier is a formal verification tool to formally express and assess software requirements, and effectively find bugs early in the development process.

This tool can check the use of arithmetic operators: it verifies if divisions by zero, invalid operations (Not a Number = NaN) as well as overflow errors can occur in Ansys SCADE Suite models.

Ansys SCADE Suite Design Verifier uses the Prover-PSL © engine to analyze a property and automatically produces a counter-example (scenario file) when a proof objective is not satisfied by the Ansys SCADE Suite model under verification.

Core Topics

  • Formal verification in application development process with Ansys SCADE Suite
  • Perform predefined property verifications (such as divisions by zero, NaN values, overflow errors)
  • Perform user property verifications (express and analyze user properties from software requirements)


Teaching Method

Lectures and computer practical sessions to validate acquired knowledge. A training certificate is provided to all attendees who complete the course.

Learning Outcome

Currently, no Learning Outcome available

Available Dates

Currently, no training dates available

Learning Options

Training materials for this course are available with a Ansys Learning Hub Subscription. If there is no active public schedule available, private training can be arranged. Please contact us.


This is a half day classroom course covering both lectures and workshops.

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