Course Overview
Ansys SCADE Automotive Package extends the Ansys SCADE Architect and Ansys SCADE Suite design capabilities for the automotive industry by importing Software Components (SWCs) from ARXML files and by generating AUTOSAR RTE-compliant behavioral code..
This advanced training course provides users with skills to design an embedded automotive software system using Ansys SCADE solutions in alignment with AUTOSAR and ISO 26262 standards. You will learn to use AUTOSAR configuration in Ansys SCADE Architect and Ansys SCADE Suite environments for generating code compliant with AUTOSAR standard.
Core Topics
- Introduction to SCADE AUTOSAR configuration
- Import / export of ECU SWC description (ARXML files)
- Synchronization of runnable(s) with SCADE Suite models
- Generation of software runnable code with AUTOSAR Code Generator (ACG) compliant with AUTOSAR-RTE features and with ISO 26262 certification
- Basic knowledge of Ansys SCADE Architect and /or Ansys SCADE Suite
Teaching Method
Lectures and computer practical sessions to validate acquired knowledge. A training certificate is provided to all attendees who complete the course.