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Accelerate Your Simulation with AI 

SimAI Webinar Series

Engineers need efficient methods to validate and optimize their designs in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape while minimizing costly physical testing. High-fidelity physics-based simulations have emerged as a highly accurate technique, yet many challenges persist, particularly in computationally expensive problems, leading to long product development cycles.

SimAI is a novel approach that leverages historical simulation data to build an AI-based solver model that can predict product performance extremely fast. This breakthrough empowers engineers to explore more expansive design spaces and refine design.

This webinar series showcases applications of SimAI across multiple physics. Each episode will show how SimAI accelerates the simulation by leveraging previous results to train an AI model and predict performance incredibly fast.

What you will learn:

Based on industrial applications and backed with accurate metrics:

  • Incredibly fast yet reliable performance prediction 
  • Use the past to explore the future: train and build an AI model with previously generated simulation results
  • Simulation for all, accessible for designers
  • Non-parametric design exploration (3D arbitrary geometries inputs)
  • Cloud-native: use it anytime anywhere, data is secure

Webinars On-Demand

SimAI for Optics: Predicting Optical Performance at the Speed of AI

Sign up for this upcoming webinar to learn how to predict optimal performance with SimAI.

Speaker: Felipe Mercado

Ansys Electronic webinar
SimAI for Electromagnetics: Accelerating Electronics Components Design

This webinar showcases the workflow of using Ansys Maxwell, HFSS, and Ansys SimAI for electromagnetic field training and prediction.

Speaker: Peng Han

Ansys Electronic webinar
SimAI for CFD: Revolutionizing SUV Aerodynamics Assessment

In this episode of our webinar series, we showcase the capabilities of SimAI in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), focusing on its application in external aerodynamics assessment for SUVs.

Speaker: Yann Ravel

Ansys Electronic webinar
SimAI for Structures: End-to-end Workflow and Application Examples

In this webinar, we will focus on SimAI in structural simulation applications.

Speaker: Jimmy He