Ansys is committed to setting today's students up for success, by providing free simulation engineering software to students.
Ansys is committed to setting today's students up for success, by providing free simulation engineering software to students.
Ansys is committed to setting today's students up for success, by providing free simulation engineering software to students.
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March 4, 2024
If you have spent any time at all looking at materials in the field of structural mechanics, you have likely heard of the Bergstrom-Boyce material model. Well, I am extremely excited to announce that Dr. Jorgen Bergstrom has joined Ansys.
Bergstrom has been working with Ansys for a long time, either in specific projects we’ve collaborated on, or via his great presence in research pertaining to polymers and advanced materials in general. Ansys Mechanical already has a couple of material models that he is known for: Bergstrom-Boyce and the Three Network Model (TNM). Bergstrom developed two materials modeling tools, that are well known in the industry: MCalibration and PolyUmod. We’re excited to add these tools to the Ansys portfolio. Our goal is to further the ease of use and material modeling accuracy for engineers all over the world.
The MCalibration application can extract material parameters for all native material models in Ansys and all material models in the PolyUMod library.
The specification of a material behavior requires a material model calibrated using accurate experimental data.
Over the 18 years that I’ve been at Ansys, I’ve seen the increasing need for material data and the ability to model materials. There are many factors driving this, but the main one is accuracy. More and more companies are using simulation as a critical part of their design processes with an aim to produce very few, or in some cases, no prototypes. This means everything about the simulation needs to be more precise.
Material modeling has always been a tough challenge. We have continued to expand the ability of Mechanical and Ansys LS-DYNA solvers to include material models, as well as expanding the amount physics and modeling techniques available to users. Ansys also added Granta, which offers a range of materials information management software, in 2019. Granta helps customers manage their material data, ensuring consistency and traceability for their models.
MCalibration is a material model selection and calibration tool that makes it easy to find the best material models for your materials. PolyUMod is a library of advanced user-material models for finite element modeling of polymers, biomaterials, and other non-linear materials. Polymer FEM’s tools help bridge the gaps between material test data, selecting the material model, determining the correct parameters, and then implementing them within structural solvers like LS-DYNA and MAPDL, the solver most people use when working in Mechanical.
More and more engineers need to use test data of their actual components to ensure they are modelling the correct material, so democratizing the ability to proceed with confidence is something I’m personally really excited about.
MCalibration, PolyUMod, and Bergstrom's industry-recognized leadership and expertise are another big, positive step in making Ansys material simulation products even more valuable to our customers.