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Academic Product Support Policy

Ansys provides the following technical support solutions for Ansys Academic Product users:

  • Ansys Learning Forum — Public online forum for the benefit of Ansys Academic users to share ideas and discuss topics that are of interest to the Ansys Academic user base.
  • Learning Resources — Repository of product installation and configuration guides and videos, introductory level product tutorial videos, best practices and FAQs. Intended for students but available to any academic product user.
  • Ansys Learning Hub — A paid for, subscription-based platform giving easy access to self-paced courses, instructor-moderated learning rooms and a wealth of online training and learning material.

The following table identifies which of the above support solutions available for each academic user type:

Academic User TypeFree Ansys Student Product DownloadAnsys Learning ForumSupport Resources WebpageAcademic Teaching, Research and Associate Product Download
Faculty and Staff2YESYESYESNO

1 Academic Site ASC — The designated Ansys Support Coordinator for the academic site, usually an IT person, but can also be a Professor or the main user of the product licenses.
2 Faculty and staff — Full-time employees of an academic organization, including professors (research or teaching), course lecturers, post-doctoral researchers and IT administrators.
3 The ASC is provided access to the Ansys Customer Portal for the purpose of downloading the installation media of the paid for Academic licenses.

Please note: The Ansys Learning Forum does not currently cover Ansys Academic RedHawk and Academic PowerArtist products. Technical support for these products is only available via the Apache Design, Inc., academic support email alias: Support requests submitted to this email alias will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, but are limited to the following products and product capabilities:

Ansys Academic RedHawk:

  • Setting up and running the software
  • Voltage drop analysis
  • Static analysis flow — setup for static IR analysis and static voltage drop debug
  • Dynamic analysis flow — setup for dynamic voltage drop analysis and dynamic voltage drop debug
  • Using Tcl commands

Ansys Academic PowerArtist:

  • Setting up and running the software
  • Performing an RTL power analysis — identifying hot spots
  • Finding bugs in the TRL — examining power wastage and exploring power saving opportunities

Ansys reserves the right to decline technical support to academic customers seeking frequent technical support (i.e. overuse of our technical support). Please allow us a reasonable amount of time to respond to your support requests on the Ansys Learning Forum and ensure that your support request falls within the scope detailed above.

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