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Photonic Integrated Circuits for Next-Generation Connectivity and Sensing

Miniaturisation and system scaling is pushing the conventional electronic system toward energy efficiency. While system scaling is bringing enriched functionality, there are fundamental limitations to an electronic system. Heterogeneous integrating electronic and photonic designs is the best way to realize a functional and scalable system as systems become increasingly smaller. Unlike electrons, photons are not easy to manipulate. In this webinar we will discuss the fundamental requirements and limitations of a photonic integrated circuit, with a focus on how to confine and propagate light in a sub-microstructure.

We will also discuss the various optical functionalities required in a photonic integrated circuit and how they are realized. Over the past two decades, various optical functionalities have been demonstrated that could enable future connectivity and optical sensing. We will present key demonstrations from the research group at Indian Institute of Science in the areas of high-speed data connectivity, RF signal processing, on-chip high-speed photodetection and on-chip sensing.

Speaker Name: Dr. Shankar Kumar

Tenured faculty at the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering and the deputy-chair of the national nano-fabrication facility at Indian Institute of Science Bangalore.


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